Titus Flavius Vespasianus, commonly called by his praenomen Titus, was the son of the Emperor Vespasianus and his wife Flavia Domitilla. He commanded a legion in his father's Jewish campaign and captured Jerusalem in A.D 70. On his return to Rome, Vespasianus made him his colleague and succeed him in A.D. 70.

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Ae As - Titus ( 80 ) - Rome

Ae As - Titus ( 80 ) - Rome

Ae As - Titus ( 80 ) - Rome

Ae As - Titus ( 80 ) - Rome

Ae As - Titus ( 80 ) - Rome

Ae As - Titus ( 80 ) - Rome

Ae As - Titus ( 80 ) - Rome

Ae As - Titus ( 80 ) - Rome

Ae As - Titus ( 80 ) - Rome

Ae As - Titus ( 80 ) - Rome

Ae As - Titus ( 80 ) - Rome

Ae As - Titus ( 80 ) - Rome