Magnus Clemens Maximus held a high command in the army in Britain under Gratian. In July, 383, his soldiers, discontented with the rule of Gratian, proclaimed Maximus Emperor and he immediately invaded Gaul. Maximus became ruler of Britain, Gaul, Spain and Africa, but in 387 his ambition drove him to add Italy to his dominions. He was defeated by Theodosius at the battle of Poetovio and was later executed near Aquileia (July 28th, 388).

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Gold Solidus - Magnus Maximus ( 384 ) - London

Gold Solidus - Magnus Maximus ( 385 to 386 ) - Trier

Gold Solidus - Magnus Maximus ( 383 to 384 ) - Trier

Gold Solidus - Magnus Maximus ( 387 ) - Trier

Gold Solidus - Magnus Maximus ( 383 to 386 ) - Constantinople